In Math, fourth graders learn multi-step problem solving as well as computation skills for accuracy. Students are encouraged to explore, discuss, question, and verify mathematical concepts. Emphasis is placed on problem-solving, the development of numerical reasoning, and communication with a practical application of skills. Throughout the fourth grade year, there is a strong focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) activities along with ongoing Science experiments. Science is taught through the lens of God as the creator of all things. Fourth grade broadens a student's view of the world through an exploration of Indiana History throughout the school year, including field trips. Students will further develop oral and written expression with a focus on vocabulary development along with sharpening their grammar skills. Writing skills increase with the development of report writing. Students at LCA perform higher than area schools in Language Arts, Math, and Science. Conflict resolution skills are taught using Biblical guidelines. The Bible curriculum is taught and implemented daily along with separate daily worship and devotion time. Fourth graders have opportunities to take part in Music (including choir), Art, PE, and Media Lab.