At LCA, we are intentionally different. The Bible is not just integrated into our curriculum, it is the foundation for everything we do. This is not a tagline or idealistic statement; it is who we are, and what makes an LCA education different. It’s about teachers who love God and care about the students. It’s about discipling students to grow in their faith. It’s about students developing a Christian worldview that is able to engage and impact the world.
At LCA, we want students to KNOW their faith. When students come to LCA, they are thoroughly trained in God’s Word and know how to use it. In Colossians 3:16, it tells us to “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” We want students to know God’s Word like they would any other subject. It needs to be studied. It needs to be taught. As with any other subject at LCA, there is a level of biblical knowledge students will know and understand. But this doesn’t just happen in a Bible class, we pursue academic excellence in all subjects.
At LCA, we want students to SHOW their faith. Students will learn how the Bible applies to all aspects of their lives and are encouraged to show it at church, school, work, and anywhere else they might be. There should be a difference! Right after Paul states that he wants them to know God’s Word, he tells them that in everything they do, do it for God’s glory. Anytime. Anywhere. At LCA, we focus on more than just learning the facts of God’s Word, we challenge students to live out their faith in their world.
As important as it is to know their faith and show their faith, we want students to OWN their faith. Students understand they cannot live through someone else’s faith – it has to be their very own! We want each and every student to have a personal relationship with God. We are giving students the tools they need to be lifelong learners of God’s Word and critical thinkers in a world that is constantly changing. At LCA, success is measured by where students are in 10 years, 15 years, 50 years down the road - we want students to continue in their faith throughout their whole life.
Our biggest goal at LCA is for students to know their faith with deep understanding, to show their faith in every aspect of their life, and to own their faith long after they leave the classrooms of LCA.